Press Materials
An author's press kit is one of the most critical aspects of a successful media campaign. Editors and producers are inundated by hundreds of press releases on a weekly basis. A creative and well produced press kit can make the difference in whether a producer/editor will take the time to read it. We provide two types of press kits:

Hard-Copy Press Kits—paper press kits typically include a targeted pitch letter, a press release, author bio, questions for interviewers, and articles that mention the author or the book directly or the subject of the book. Depending on the complexity of the project and the author's budget, our staff can design graphic and photo intensive material that is sure to catch an editor/producer's attention.

Virtual Press Kit—this type of press kit is designed for the internet. We can create a website for the author that features the book, ways to communicate with the author, excerpts from the book, a calendar of the author's local appearances, and links to all mentions of the book (including reviews and articles featuring the author and/or book). We can register this website in major as well as industry-specific search engines, directories, and review lists.

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To contact us:
Phone: 949.254.3214